Well, so I've finally made it to Kerala!
The train rides were fantastic. Especially from Pune to Kerala, there were some very scenic points. And you know me, I took tons of pictures. Unfortunatly, unlike past posts which are full of photos, I dont think this one will have even ONE of my own photos. Maybe I'll temporarily hotlink some images from a friend's blog....
Been in Kerala for about a week now. I guess today marks exactly one week. Im at my mother's house right now. There was a wedding (Bindu aunty's sisters) in a place between where my dad's house is and where my mom's house is. So I figured I'd attend the wedding and come straight to my mom's place for a few days.
The wedding was nice. We got there a bit late, and so the church was already packed. We stood outside and by the windows for a little while. Finally I became bold enough to walk in and take a photo :-P ... and thats when one uncle (Joykutty uncle) saw me. He started waving to me to come inside and sit down. I was a bit hesitant from the door, especially because I didnt see any empty seats. But upon his insistance I went in. In front of all the people. And the cameras. It was difficult. So when I got to him, turned out the only empty seat was in the FIRST ROW. Yes, the FIRST ROW like even in front of where the bride's SISTER was sitting! Talk about embarrassing... Anyways, my blushes was partly saved. About a minute later they found a seat for me a few rows back (next to Blessonchachen's mom). Then things were okay. Steven and Sharon were seeing me for the first time in about 5 months, but it was great to see that they still remembered. Good times... good timess...
Like I said... pictures will have to come later!
Then I've been here at my mom's place and visiting our mom's side relatives for the last few days. Good stuff. We are going for some good ole sightseeing soon. There isnt much, especially because its semi-dry season... so all the dams and waterfalls and stuff are dry/drier than usual.
So here are some hotlinked =o photos from my friend's site. Be sure to visit his blog also : http://www.ppeapen.blogspot.com
sorry about the big size...

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